Friday, 31 October 2014


Halloween is personally one of my favourite times of year. I think that the chill of the autumn weather perfectly compliments the fear-filled night for all the little trick or treaters. I love how far people are prepared to go with their outfits and decorations in order to create a spectacular spooky event, and in all honesty this year has been one of my favourites. 

This year, I have spent the week leading up to the Halloween festivities doing various different events, whether that be going to Alton Towers' scarefest, carving pumpkins, decorating the house or purchasing some lovely Lush products with the Halloween theme in mind. 

All of which I have thoroughly enjoyed. Spending this week away from the hectic last year of my school career has been perfectly spent with my best friends and family and has really allowed me a chance to relax before I delve back into the full on, hard working environment, which to that I am rather thankful for.

Despite majorly adopting the Hallowen spirit this year, decorations were probably a lot more minimal than that of our American friends who rejoice in this particular holiday. However, I did decorate the front of the house with pumpkins, which you can see in my previous post, and align the pathway to the door with some snazzy pumpkin balloons that lit up. The house was then full of cobwebs with playful plastic spiders cunningly positioned within them, with a few dancing skeletons and glistening pumpkin lights which flickered above my bed. 

As well as this, a small shopping spree entailed a visit to the local Lush shop, in which I love for its beautiful bathing products and have a full time obsession with. It was this particular occasion that I fell in love with both the scent and design of the Sparkly Pumpkin bubble bar, which I am sure will lead to many further posts. This shimmering orange love just requires to be crumbled under running water for 'mounds' of bubbles to be created into your cosy bath and brings warmth and cheer to add 'sparkle to cold nights'. 

Love it! 

I hope you like these change of posts, feel free to comment and don't forget to smile because it adds a little more cheer to a strangers day. 

Abbie-June x


  1. I love Halloween too, but Christmas is so much better! You did Halloween week why not something for Christmas? I can't wait

  2. I absolutely love that idea! We will try to do this for some time in December
    - Abbie-June x
