Friday, 31 July 2015

All The Bright Places

One of my recent posts featured a book review of 'Life With A Sprinkle Of Glitter' which made me realise that I had never written a review on 'All The Bright Places', a book that I featured in my book haul. This is the thing, it wasn't a book that I didn't enjoy, I loved absolutely every second of it and it is probably my number one.

Probably? I mean definitely! This book is truly fantastic, you laugh, cry and fall in love with every single page of the novel. I couldn't help but enjoy this book and think you should really give it a read.

I know it seems like every book that I come across and as a result write a post about is always saying 'this book is amazing, read it!', but at the end of the day if I don't like a book I don't finish it so without getting to grasp the entire story I can't really write a true perspective of the novel other than that I read the first few chapters and was disappointed. 

Anyway that isn't important right now, because I loved this book and everything about it. I don't know whether it was because I felt a connection to the feelings and struggles that the character of Finch was going through. 

This was one of the first books that I picked up and had to put down to run off and get a highlighter to make sure I would always be able to find that perfect sentence again. 

'Is today a good day to?' 

There was something so hard-hitting, so heart-wrenching, so fantastic about this choice of words that I fell in love with the broken beauty of this question. 

Now, do not worry because it isn't a spoiler when I tell you that Finch struggles with his life and considers to bring it to an end, and in all honesty I find the fact that he wakes up every morning questioning himself if 'today is a good day to' really shocking, but sadly relatable.

The story-line is absolutely incredible and I would really suggest that you go to your local bookshop (or Amazon) and pick up this book and leave a comment below telling me what you thought about it.

All my love, 

Don't forget to smile because you're in a beautiful place.

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