Saturday, 11 October 2014

Do Something You Love

When I was little I was always told 
"Choose a job you love and you never have to work a day in your life."
and that stuck with me.

Therefore, when I grew up I aimed to find that one thing which was special to me. A talent which made me unique among the rest, something to set me aside from the people who surrounded me and in all honesty it absolutely terrified me, the thought that I was going to be this person who doesn't have that specialty. In all of my friendship groups we had the cliche of the one you was sporty, the smart one, the creative one and yet I wasn't labelled with a talent. I wasn't anything special. 

And then one day, I just decided to take some pictures. I had seen these amazing photographs that other people had taken and it just caught me, I was lost in ore. They were amazing and the more I looked the more details I noticed. I just found it crazy, I didn't need to be skilled with a pencil or a paintbrush or even with words to capture somebody's breath. So I took more pictures, I upgraded my cameras and I continued to use this as my escapism, I can get lost in an image and I just want to share that range of beauty with others.

Yes, I am just an amateur with an overpriced camera, but no, I will not stop taking pictures because that's what makes me smile and a smile is a sign of happiness and if it makes you happy then it's close to your heart. So, I have found something I love to do and I'd love if you could share your stories and your things that make you happy and are a passion, a love, of yours. 

Leave a comment below and don't forget to smile because the world is a beautiful place and so are you.
Abbie-June x


  1. <3 love it you have inspired me to do what makes me happy, not what other people expect of me your posts are so helpful thanks x

    1. I am so glad to hear that and thank you for the feedback. Keep commenting, keep reading and keep smiling <3 ~ Abbie-June
